May your Journey blossom…..

Awakening Divine Self and Inner Peace

Below are some highly recommended resources to support growth and integration of a Spiritual Journey, awakening your Divine Self. If you would like to connect and deepen the peace within, I offer group and personal services through Become Higher Self. If you have any questions or comments, please contact me directly at

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Become Higher Self

We are a team of dedicated healers and mentors to help people in need with alleviating personal distress and suffering, accelerating their spiritual growth, coming to a greater understanding of themselves, and enhancing own self-empowerment and well-being. Depending on the need, the whole team can do a distance group healing for the person or offer 1-1 sessions. The team offers loving support & guidance to those experiencing spiritual awakening to increase their connection with their own Higher Self.

In addition, Become Higher Self, offers a free downloadable handbook with insights and practical exercises to quicken, support and empower oneself on the spiritual journey.


Spirit Fire

Spirit Fire is an educational non-profit whose mission is to cultivate spirituality and educate people on the importance of consciousness in their everyday lives. The Practice of Living Awareness is a 14-step guided meditation program designed for every level of practitioner. The practice is online and always free. Each step is simple and builds upon the one before. We offer new twenty-minute guided meditations three days per week and each new week explores a new step of the practice. You’ll receive 14 meditative tools in 14 weeks to use on and off of the cushion.


Reading Corner

There are many books out there! Many people ask me what books they could read to learn more. Coming soon, I’ll list a few that continually inspire me.